Ranet UI was developed for WPF and Silverlight frameworks but can also be used in Windows Forms applications. In this post, we will show how to integrate its components in a WinForms application as exemplified by integrating Dynamic Pivot Grid Control using Visual Studio 2015 (you need to have Ranet UI 3.7 installed on your PC).
- Start Visual Studio 2015 and create a new WinForms project.

2. Open Reference Manager -> Assemblies -> Extensions, and add references to the following Ranet assemblies in the project (Figure 2):
- Olap.Core.dll
- Olap.dll
- Olap.Mdx.dll
- Olap.Themes.dll

3. In the same window, go to Assemblies -> Framework and add references to the assemblies required by WPF:
- PresentationCore.dll
- PresentationCore.dll
- PresentationFramework.dll
- System.Xaml.dll
- WindowsBase.dll
4. You will need System.Windows.Application instance in order to work with WPF components. Open Program.cs and change the code of Main method as follows, also adding Ranet services initialization:
using System;
using System.Windows;
using Ranet.AgOlap;
using Ranet.AgOlap.Controls.General;
using Ranet.AgOlap.Services;
using Ranet.AgOlap.Themes;
using Ranet.Olap.Core.Interfaces;
namespace RanetUIIntegrationSample
static class Program
#region Methods
static void Main()
// Create instance of WPF Application
var wpfApplication = new Application();
// Configure Ranet services
RanetServiceLocator.RegisterServiceFactory<IStorageManager>(() => new ServerStorageManager());
RanetServiceLocator.RegisterServiceFactory<IDataLoader>(() => new ServerDataLoader());
// Enable Ranet components theme
RanetThemeManager.CurrentTheme = RanetThemes.MetroLight;
// Run main form
System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(new MainForm());
5. Open Toolbox, select ElementHost component from WPF Interoperability category and drag it to the form (Figure 3).
6. Open the form’s code and add DynamicPivotGridControl initialization:
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Ranet.AgOlap.Controls;
namespace RanetUIIntegrationSample
public partial class MainForm : Form
#region Ctors
public MainForm()
// Create DynamicPivotGrid and initialize with Adventure Works cube
var dynamicPivotGridControl = new DynamicPivotGridControl
Connection = "Provider = MSOLAP.4; Data Source = https://bi.galaktika-soft.com/olap/2012/msmdpump.dll;Catalog=AdventureWorksDW2012 MD-EE;",
CubeName = "Adventure Works"
// Add DynamicPivotGrid to form
elementHost.Child = dynamicPivotGridControl;
7. Now you can compile and start the application.
We hope this article was helpful for you.
Contact us if you have any questions about integrating Ranet UI library in a WinForms application or any other question about Ranet UI.