
Using Enum Property Editor

Enum Property Editor displays Enum type properties with FlagsAttribute. It allows customizing representation in Application Model. You can set CheckedComboBox, CheckedListBox and standard visualization. Thus, to change the control, you do not need to create a new editor.

WinEnumPropertyEditor and WebEnumPropertyEditor areĀ applied to Detail View and List View. But the List View does not support representation via CheckedListBox. If most Views requires the same editor settings, then it is advisable to set settings once. Therefore, Application Model exposes Options|Editors|EnumPropertyEditor node to set common settings.

You can specify the following properties:

These settings are available as an IModelCommonMemberViewItem extension. This allows the user to set general settings and more detailed ones.

ItemImage is stored in the Images Module Project directory. In the Properties Window set BiuldAction property to "Embedded Resource" value.