
Ranet OLAP Technology Stack

Ranet OLAP was developed from the ground up using Microsoft's .NET application development framework. It is written in C# using Microsoft Visual Studio as the integrated development environment. Ranet OLAPfor Silverlight was written specifically for SQL Server Analysis Services with support for SQL Server. Currently supported versions of SQL Server are 2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012, and 2014.

Ranet OLAP is also flexible when it comes to accessing your data. Generating its own MDX code,  it can display data from SQL Server Analysis Services cubes, whether these are MOLAP, ROLAP, or HOLAP cubes. Ranet OLAP can also generate SQL queries that can drill back through SQL Server to the original source data in data marts, data warehouses, and operational systems like CRM and ERP.  The tool accesses these various SQL Server data sources through the ADO object model.

To transmit data between a server and a web application, we use JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), a lightweight text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange, serving as an alternative to XML. The JSON standard has no provision for data compression, interning of strings, or object references. Using JSON in Ranet OLAP results in queries compressed tenfold.

Ranet OLAP was developed with the help of the following technology stack: