
What’s New in Ranet OLAP 2.5 – Updated MDX Designer

The new build has an updated MDX Designer and there were new parameters affecting the algorithm to generate MDX query.

  1. All the resulting SET function on the axes are framed NONEMPTY ([SET], {measures})
  2. SUBSET now includes a NONEMPTY ()
  3. If the report is selected to set ONE Hierarchy, and in it the elements at different levels, it will work VISUALTOTALS ()
  4. If the report is selected to set ONE Level of the hierarchy, it will automatically generate the calculated members and SET, to calculate the results.
  5. The buttons [Hide items with no data in the rows/columns] in tubular MDX designer. Taking them into account is / are not using the NONEMPTY ([SET], {measures}). In this case, NON EMPTY on the axis generate in the PivotGrid.

The tree measures metadata sorted alphabetically. Those who still do not work with version Ranet OLAP 2.5 – will find here a lot of good decisions.

You can test a new build Online demo (please use connection string: Provider=MSOLAP.3;Data Source=.sql2008;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=AWbase)

MDX Designer Setting

MDX Designer Setting

MDX Query : VISUALTOLAL for ONE Hierarchy

MDX Query: Custom Calculation for ONE Level from the Hierarchy