
OLAP and Business Intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) is an umbrella term for data analysis techniques, applications and practices used to support the decision-making processes in business. The term was proposed by Howard Dresner in 1989 and became widespread in the late 1990s.

Business intelligence assists business owners in making important decisions based on their business data. Rather than directly telling business owners what to do, business intelligence allows them to analyze the data they have to understand trends and get insights, thus scaffolding the decision-making process.

BI includes a wide variety of techniques and tools for data analytics, including tools for ad-hoc analytics and reporting, OLAP tools, real-time business intelligence, SaaS BI, etc. Another important area of BI is data visualization software, dashboards, and scorecards.

The role of OLAP in business intelligence

OLAP (online analytical processing) is sometimes used as a synonym of business intelligence. However, it is not correct - it could be better described a function of BI software that enables a user to extract and view data from different viewpoints.

There are several reasons why OLAP is popular in BI:

We can say that OLAP occupies a place between a data warehouse and end-user tools in BI, thus allowing users to get the data they need in a fast and efficient way.