The customer is a large European software development company with more than 5000 employees.


The customer has a large and constantly expanding staff, so an efficient management here is must. The future solution should organize the tasks of recruiting new employees, personnel records and payroll, motivation, development and staff development. Moreover, the task has to provide the system as an independent solution, while having the ability of integration with other products.


Human Resource Management system algorithms are developed in strict accordance with the world's best human capital management techniques.

The system has a modular structure and allow you to solve the following issues:

  • to automate personnel records in the enterprise;
  • to carry out computational procedures related to wages;
  • to keep track of working time.


Thus, HR management solution includes three following modules:

Personnel Management module

It is intended for the personnel services of any organizational department in the enterprise (including those with separate divisions or branches, as well as a geographically extensive network of dealers or agents). Herewith, it will suit other companies too as the form of ownership and the number of employees can be any. The database can store unlimited data archive.

Personnel Management Module

Salary module

This module fully automates the work of accountants and timekeepers. Designed to automate accounting and computational procedures related to the remuneration of personnel in departments with time-based and piece-rate forms of labor.

Salary Module

Time-keeping module

It is intended to automate the work area for maintaining the planned and actual time of employees' stay in the organization or its division. The module was developed considering that the access to certain information and the functional responsibilities of personnel, timekeepers and the payroll group are clearly delineated.

Time-keeping Module


To implement the system, we used XAFARI Framework, which is based on the DevExpress XAF. Its wide possibilities allow:

  • to make a flexible adjustment to the needs of the customer;
  • to integrate HR management with the applications already used in the enterprise;
  • to carry out the works with minimal time and financial costs.


XAFARI is a multifunctional modular platform for building distributed enterprise management systems in a service-oriented Web-architecture (SOBA Service-Oriented Business Application). As a development technology used software platform Microsoft .NET Framework using the language C #.


As a result, we get the system that allows to form an effective personnel policy of the enterprise. Besides, the tasks of recruiting new employees, personnel records and payroll, motivation, development and staff development are solved.


DevExpress XAF, Xafari Framework, .NET, C#

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