Tickets list

Our support team is ready to answer all your questions. We usually answer all the tickets and questions within 24 hours.
If something goes wrong – feel free to contact us via the contact page or via
Status Title Date
New Testing Ranet OLAP HTML Control
New Any plans for new version of Xafari Framework?
New Devexpress 23 not supported
New Guys, you are still in business?
New Source Code for v22.2.3011
Closed 22.1.6 source request
New Future Plans for Xafari
In Progress Numerator KeyTemplate with current year
In Progress В панели дерево должно быть поле поиска
Closed Xafari Framework activation
In Progress Xafari Framework 22.2.3011 VS 2022, XAF 22.3
Closed PC Registration
Closed toolbar control in mvc
Closed I installed but could not find Xafari in VS
Closed DevExpress 22.1 Xafari Build
In Progress Pipeline build
Closed IModelBCSettingsGroup
Closed Xafari 21.2.8?
In Progress Add canclose to win dockpanel model
Closed DevExpress v21.1.7
Closed Localization Patch for RANET OLAP issue
Closed XafariFramework documentation is down
In Progress Re: Xafari future with .net core
Closed Source code for 21.2.4011.2338
Closed Source code
Closed Source Code 21.2.3011.2337
Closed Source Code Xafari.Framework-21.2
Closed Source Code 21.1.6011.2328
In Progress Compatibility with hotfix
In Progress grid design
In Progress .netcore support
Closed Xafari Index Numerator
Closed Xafari Numerator feature
Closed Source Code 21.1.4011.2322
Closed XAF 21.1.4 Bug Fixes
Closed Xafari 21.1.3011.2308 Source code
Closed Source Code 21.1.3011.2304
Closed Bug Report T987155
In Progress Menu Editor is not loading
Closed Xafari Toolbox items are missing
Closed DocflowSystemParticipant security rules
Closed Website is not working
Closed My Licence is not appearing
Closed Docflow Executor Type – Role
In Progress xafari framework .net core
Closed Cutting off words if a – is used in a group name
Closed Unable to download software bought in 2019
Closed Unable to find the download link
In Progress Migration from xpand
In Progress Cube in ASP.Net WebForms project
Closed How to include persistent notesupport
Closed How to setup navigation.
Closed How to include subprocesses in business operation
Closed ERROR – IndexNumerator().AdjustInRangeByObject
Closed Test with xafari features
Closed XafariBCWinModule Changes security behavior
Closed How to setup xafari solution.
Closed Update of Xafari for 20.2.4
Closed Data Management (Import) Excel
Closed Using Docflow with PermissionPolicyUser users
Closed Urgent – Please semd me source code!
Closed Duplicate ShowNavigationItem error when adding ARM
Closed Source Code
Closed BCDemo Win App – Error
Closed How to show nonpersistent object in dockpanel
Closed Source Code
Closed How to detect committed objects
Closed Expand Arm items
Closed Dock panel problem
Closed Xafari 20.2.3 Source code
Closed can’t register domain components
Closed where Can I find update
Closed Xafari and Blazor
Closed Activatation request : Xafari License
Closed Concerned with lack of updates as well
Closed Concerned with lack of updates.
Closed ERROR – IndexNumerator AdjustAfterRemove
Closed Workplace in database?
In Progress Invalid url on your Xafari systems requirements
Closed XAF – Xafari version compatibility
Closed Xafari.Framework-20.1.6 – source code request
Closed Custom Arm Item
Closed Unit Test XF Entities
Closed 20.2.3 Update
Closed License Activation
Closed New Tabbed MDI
Closed Dockflow configuration
Closed Next Release
Closed How to setup A middle tier Solution
Closed Application Settings – Update Version 20.1.6
Closed How Xafari to exisiting Xaf project
Closed Need access to sourcecode
Closed License activation request
In Progress how to migrate to extentions framework
Closed How to use Docflow with XPO objects
Closed Expression editor when use on web
Closed Evaluate Xafari DC Type
Closed Xafari Framework v20.1.4 source code
Closed Xafari Framework v20.1.4011 source code
Closed IAuditSupport blocks Merge for OptimisticLocking
Closed How to setup dockflow module using xpo
Closed How to setup Secondary administrator settings
Closed Запуск RanetOLAP
Closed How to show dynamic properties in detailview?
Closed No activation key reply
Closed Compatibility with other expand modules
Closed Ranet OLAP – Hide Grand Totals and SubTotals
Closed Installation
Closed About version 20 for XAF
Closed Version 20
Closed Ranet OLAP with jquery
Closed How to fix dock layout.
Closed Please update version 20.1.x of xaf devexpress
Closed Show a xafari report in a dashboard
Closed How to use armnavigation controller
Closed VS2017 XAF Localization tool issue
Closed Implement extentions
Closed Issue of ExpressionPropertyEditor on web
Closed Xafari Activation Error
Closed Validation in wizard
Closed Price Offer
Closed Extra Filters the interface layout is messy
Closed Dynamic parameters controller
Closed security system error
Closed Managed operations
Closed How to create default users
Closed ARm implementation
Closed Source code request for Xafari.Framework-19.2.6
Closed ObjectForNonAggregatedCollectionViwController
Closed Xafari server as windows service
Closed Source code request for 19.2.5
Closed Implement OracleDataSource + Xafari.Data
Closed Xafari Version 14.2.5
Closed Demo version – Export data to excel crash
Closed Custom Arms Template
Closed Source code request – 19.2.4
Closed Feature requests in regard to branches
Closed How to configure branches in XafariBCDemo Win App
Closed How to configure XAS correctly for branches
Closed Win modules are automatically added to web module
Closed API reference / documention for branches module
Closed How to start the demo center
Closed Custom logon
Closed Source code request – 19.2.3
Closed more Xafari versions installed simultaneously
Closed Xafari server demo / example
Closed Docflow Documentation
Closed how to use Xafari Arms
Closed Uninstalling version 18.2.4
Closed Source Code Request 19.1.6011
Closed How to implement filtering of records per Branch?
Closed Message Queue Info
Closed Source code request – XF-19.1.5011.2150
Closed CriteriaCompilerException + XafariSelectedColumn
Closed Query XPWeakReferenceStruct with CriteriaOperator
Closed how to use Xafari Arms with Xaf 19.1.5
Closed It is not support zh_CN language
Closed How to Display all Records for the Admin
Closed Source code request – Xafari 19.1.5011.2150
Closed Navigation Item Access Permissions, All or nothing
Closed Custom Security classes
Closed Source code request — XF -19.1.4
Closed Issues with INavigationItemAccessSettings
Closed Licence key
Closed 19.1.4 Version
Closed Audit Module With Postgres
Closed XPWeakReferenceStruct Possibility
Closed Is MySQL supported
In Progress Galaktika site not accessible from India/usa
Closed VS 2019 Solution Wizard
Closed Best way log BusinessOperation executions
Closed How to disable "Criteria Object Creation"
Closed 19.1 release estimate?
Closed HistoryInfo.HistoryCreate in CriteriaOperator
Closed Source code request — XF -18.2.8011.2084
Closed Activate Xafari Framework license
Closed Data Management (ImportSettings/Schema)
In Progress Website broken links
In Progress End User Guide
Closed 18.2.8 version
In Progress Members Group Mode ‘None’ Export Issue
Closed Source Codes Xafari 18.2.7
Closed Upgrade from 18.1.7 to 18.2.5 problem
Closed DevExpress 18.2.6 Update
Closed End-user scripting engine
Closed Source code 18.2.4
Closed Confirmation Messages for Aggregate Action
Closed Docflow support
Closed BC Demo – Audit data, containing collections
Closed BC Demo – Audit data
Closed AutoRefresh does not work
Closed Source code 18.2.5
Closed XF with XAF WCF
Closed aggregateAction confirmationMessage
Closed Key Not Found exception with Managed Operation
Closed Issue with DockPanels and Tabbed MDI
Closed Mass Edit in DataView
Closed Xafari.Framework-18.2.4011.2042 Sources
Closed Disable ListViewCriteriaObjectCreatingController
Closed UseByListViewCriteriaObjectCreating
Closed Reports cant be viewed (HTML5 report viewer)
Closed XAFari for last XAF version maintenance update
Closed Purchase Ranet OLAP
In Progress Limitation in the Download Feature
Closed Group Captions is SmartDesign
Closed XAFari for last XAF version
In Progress Public and User Report
Solution Save Report
Solution Ranet Olap-Drill Through
Closed What is the status of the new Update for 18.2
Closed Can Safari Model editor display class namespaces
Solution connection to sqlserver 2012 using msolap
Closed Try XAfari for ASP.NET MVC Visual C#
Closed Version 18.2
Closed Get List of all BusinessOperations
Closed Xafari Server expansion plans
Closed BO parameters validation
Closed Console Application
Closed Settings update does not work
Closed ArgumentNullException + CustomNumerator + Web
In Progress Mdx query issue
Closed Project example of Xafari.Mvc
Closed NuGet failed to download Xafari MVC v.
Closed Don’t get the Xafari Modules in the Toolbox
Closed Source Code
Closed Xafari version conflict
Closed InvalidOperationException Audit Controller
Closed Xafari.Framework-18.1.6011.1540 Sources
Closed SettingsGroups in SettingsObject_DetailView_User
Closed Xafari Server on TopShelf
Closed Registered as entity Nom du paramètre : entityType
In Progress Layout Renders odd in Ranet HTML5
Closed Sourcecode
In Progress How do I enable the toolbar
Closed Bulk edit example needed
Closed Accelarotr, how make it work
Closed Xafari.Framework-18.1.5 source codes
Closed Menu Arms sample needed
Closed Examples have errors
Closed Branches Example Request
Closed Oracle Connection 18.1.5
Closed DockPanel cannot be shown
Closed LogicController was not activated
Closed Activation
Closed Wrong License Expiry Date
Closed Activation Error
Closed version for 18.1.5
Closed XafariTreeListEditor not found in model design
Closed Text language for "Close All" of panels menu
Closed using RunCMD.exe
Closed Question about AppModule
In Progress Is it possible to get a copy of the source code?
Closed activating licence
Closed Disable ConfirmUnsavedChanges – Report Parameters
Closed Is it possible to get a copy of the source code?
Closed Xafari Arms
Closed XAS Error ‘ShowNavigationItem’
In Progress Download the Product associated with my license
Closed Using the Wizard from a Nested View
Closed Xafari.Framework-18.1.4 sources
Closed Changing Authentication Type produces error
Closed System.Web.HttpException
Closed Please activate Xafari Framework license
In Progress Essbase connection issue
Closed Xafari Reports — Permissions
Closed New Web Project causes exception
Closed Listview refresh after managedoperation execution
Closed How to get the OwnerTargetKey + OwnerSupport
Closed xafari version
Closed Использование CustomNumerator
Closed Remove Button "change Branch"
Closed Source Code
On Hold Moving to Html5 client from Silverlight
Closed Numeration
Closed Xafari update
Closed Assign step in Wizard back event
Closed Exception Executing Aggregated Action
Closed Problem activating product
Closed BusinessOperationManager Close button
Closed How to use XafariApplicationContext.WindowsService
Closed Refresh listView after ManagedOperation execution
Closed Question about checkAction
Closed How to change Arms StartupArmItem In code?
Closed Branches in web-applications
Closed Oid field on a DC inherited from XafariObject
Closed ProtectedContent + Branch
Closed How to extend Branch with IXFEntityExtension
Closed Extensions not visible in Application Model
Closed Xpand Framework
Closed Download 17.2.7011.1444 source code.
Closed How to use IXFEntityExtension for Many to Many
Closed Link to broken
Closed What’s its use of AliveTypesViewController?
Closed Activating Xafari
Closed Remove Dynamic Properties from SimpleAction
Closed CheckAction does not invoke checked_change event 3
Closed Add Dynamic Properties from SimpleAction
Closed Error in Massedit
New HI,source code of RANET OLAP
Closed CheckAction does not invoke checked_change event 2
Closed AllowEmptyPasswords key
Closed HI,source code of version 17.2.6
Closed Items are not displayed after update
Closed CheckAction does not invoke checked_change event
Closed Download example
Closed wizard back step event
Closed How to handle set value in DC Logic
Closed Import MDX into Pivot Table
Closed Detailview vs DockPanel
Closed Dockpanel seems undocked
Closed BusinessOperations in console error!!!
Closed Doesn’t refer assembly DevExpress.ExpressApp
Closed ModelHelper.cs class
Closed AppStarter source code
Closed DefaultProperty for IDCSecuritySystemUser
Closed Source code
Closed API: Add item to Cols, Rows or Filters
Closed wizard conditionnally display OK button
Closed Try to use branches
Closed Xpand Framework
Closed wizard non persistent object
Closed SettingsAccessor SetValue
Closed XafariDialogController not found in Xafari.dll
Closed Ranet OLAP HTML PivotTable Page
Closed Error in WebApplication after update components
Closed Can’t open Model
Closed Create report with saved parameters from the code
Closed Deploy predefined report
Closed ArmsMainForm in French
Closed How use Enum Property Editor values
Closed Change default Administrator and User roles names
Closed Download Link
Closed Filtering LookupObjectType MultipleLookupr
Closed Source code
Closed Error with User or Admin Setting Window
Closed Ошибка Console app
Closed Disable ActiveDirectory with Xafari Security?
Closed How to have an settings value in a numerator?
Closed Xafari on existing project
Closed Source code
Closed Группировка при экспорте в Excel отчет
Closed How to use DockPanel on Nested ListView
Closed Remove/Disable CloseButton on a Dock Panel
Closed License for the Xafari Framework
Closed How to set relationCriteria for master panel
Closed How to download Xafari source codes?
Closed Xafari.BC.Branches.Xpo.BranchSecuritySystemUser
Closed How to implement a Xafari server
Closed Change object value between wizard steps
Closed Xafari Framework Licensing
Closed HI, how can i get or download the source code?
Closed HI, how can i get or download the source code?
Closed MVC dependency Missing
Closed Integrating HTML5 into ASP application
Closed different Connection string
Closed Branches naming
Closed Password Strength and Expiry
Closed two "New" buttons EnableARMs=false
Closed Docflow |Introduction not working
Closed Installing OLAP HTML 5
Closed the plan about update to version 17.2?
Closed error on Northwind.DC demo
Closed Xafari Toolbox Installer breaks
Closed Using PersistentNotesSupport
Closed insert new record in Appearance Rules Exception
Closed how to chose license type
Closed Need new version of Xafari
Closed Wizard Template Not used if custom DialogTemplate
Closed Wizards for Web App
Solution Ranet OLAP – Demo – connecting database fails
Closed OLAP sources – gulpfile.js
Closed TopReturnedObjects lead to error
Closed Get source code
Closed How to speedup Lookup ?
In Progress HierarchyNode
Closed Xafari Samples have errors
Closed Data expand
Closed database and Souce code ?
Solution WinTabbedEditor DefaultTab Property
Closed где скачать версию xafari 15.1.908.1006
Closed при запуске демо центра вылетает ошибка
Closed RanetOlap Cron task
Closed Xafari Activation Request
In Progress HTML5 Pivot Table 5.7.150 Trial edition
On Hold XAF bootStrap
Closed Xafari Source Code
In Progress Xafari Security module and middle tier app server
Closed Multiple Selection
In Progress XMLA Connection with credentials
In Progress Can I connect to SAP BW
Closed On Ranet Pivot with relational Data
Closed drill-through questions
Closed Documentation SSL Certificate expired or what?
Closed Attachments is not working in Xafari
Closed Fill Object by criteria not working
Closed Implementing OptimizedControllersCreation
Closed ASPxXafariDoublePropertyEditor inline edit mode
Closed dev. version
Closed TopReturnedObjects immediately work
Closed XafariActionContainerHolder Category ID
Closed DockPanel initial visibilty does not work.
Closed v17.1 adaptaple Xafari
Closed Managed vs Business explanation
Closed Categories+TabbedMDI=duplicated actions v2
On Hold UsePager ASPxXafariGridListEditor Not Working
Closed Exception using DockPanelTemplateContent.ascx
Closed Wizard and NonPersistant ObjectSpace
Closed Can I use local html as context help?
Closed Accelerator in winApplication error
Closed Message Object Text Blank after Upgrading on Web
Closed Xafari Security
Closed Xafari is not visible on the Vs 2017
Closed period filter default value affects the new object
Closed DevExpress 16.25 – released Xafari 16.2.5011
Closed Xafari Editors
Closed How to Use Xafari Numerator for custom numbering
Closed How to set initial value for extra filter?
Closed Enum not supported for Web Grid in Batch Edit Mode
Closed how to not set xafari as default property editor?
Closed BC_NumeratorValue locking issue
Closed modeleditor error when using Xafari
Closed Please, make Devexpress 16.1.11-base build
Closed Can you provide a example about Data Management
Closed Problem with license again
Closed my ticket was closed but you didn’t give an answer
Closed instructions for xcopy deployment to server
Closed To connect to my local cube in Ranet Analytics
Closed Reg. RANET Features
Closed bugs on DetailView generation
Closed Reg. RANET OLAP Connection
Closed Scheduler view remains readonly
On Hold Email Addresses with Expression Editor
Closed Open Model Designer DetailView Layout Exception
Closed Error using Xafari Hyperlink control
Closed Info panel in Tabbed view
Closed Query result in label or text box
Closed FeatureCenter The evaluation period Xafari expired
Closed Windows AD/domain login – permissions
Closed Tabbed Detail View behaivior
Closed extra filter text display incompletion
Closed Sort feature in Ranet Pivot Table for HTML5
Closed No Xafari Controls Available
Closed What’s new in 16.2.3010.994
Closed How to Convert XPO to XF
Closed Make the WizardAction popup window resizable
Closed Does the support system send emails
Closed Error on startup
Closed Wizard shows exception under special circumstance
Closed RanetOlap HTML Top N
Closed How to Integrate mapping capability
Closed Email Sending in Xafari Feature
Closed Some questions about WizardAction
Closed Changing a setting HTML5 Olap
Closed DockPanel changing size after undocking
Closed WizardAction not able create steps automatically
Closed Question 2 about Dock Panels
Closed WizardAction
Closed Test ticket
Closed Ranet HTML5: Disable default dimension total
Closed Disabling docking functionality
Closed Question about Dock Panels
Closed After installing the new version Ranet 3.7 there are no source code examples
Closed Data Management (Import and Export)
Closed Filter ranetPivotMdxDesigner.jquery.html
Closed Bulk edit – editable fields
Closed Xafari Messaging Exception Change email details
Closed Clear Operation log creates error
Closed How to restrict a field
Closed DockPanel positions get lost
Closed DockPanel positions get lost
Closed v16.1.7 version
Closed Mass edit special editor
Closed Action Security with new PermissionPolicyRole
Closed Integrating HTML5 into ASP application
Closed HTML5 Export
Closed ASPxGroupPropertyEditor question
Closed Bulk edit specific fields
Closed Unable to run the demo application
Closed Branches with XPO
Closed ASPxQuickChoiceProperty
Closed Dock panels
Closed I am looking for a licensing solution
Closed Dock Panels. Getting Started
Closed Connection String
Closed ASPXGroup with persistent entity exception
Closed AutoRefresh on 16.1.4010 gives error on listview
Closed Documentation Link is Broken.
Closed Adding Dockpanels doubles Standard actions
Closed Export on HTML5 OLAP
Closed XAFARI 16.1.5 tOOLbOX
Closed Using LogocControler
Closed Accelator – after runnin nothink change
Closed LogicController and Actions?
Closed Xafari for XAF 16.1
Closed ASPxGroup child property editors disabled
Closed Back Office solution with Xafari compenents
Closed Xafari documentation – broken link
Closed trial version
Closed More Xafari Features Videos on Youtube
Closed How to best implement numerators
Closed How to Use Popup Container Show Action
Closed New button missing in master-detail view
Closed iHierarchyNode doesn’t compile after upgrade
Closed FK Exception clearing Managed Operation Log
Closed RunCmd not Setting Exit Code for SQL Agent
Closed XAF.Accelerator
Closed How to: Disable/Set WinSetMinimumSizeController
Closed Xafari Audit Module @ Microsoft Azure
Closed Reduce cursor flickering on AutoRefresh/ManagedOp?
Closed WebWizard Template missing HiddenField
Closed Web Multi Tenant SaaS Application
Closed First Use Xafari FrameWork and have question
Closed Xafari MVC scalable
Closed Duplicating a Security Role
Closed MultiThreaded ObjectSpace for Console App???
On Hold Add Visibility/Enabled to Appearance Module
Closed ASPxXafariGridListEditor Batch Edit Issue
Closed Version Update
Closed FeatureCenter/DataShow bug
Closed Ready made XAF Application For Sale
Closed Using Branch With XPO
Closed Error in XAFARI when using Web SwitchToNewStyle
Closed How to use <iframes> in XAF Web application
Closed Using DockPanel in Master-Detail
Closed Xafari.Editors bug
On Hold control generation of Numerator
Closed Need a 15.2.5 version…..
Closed Reports Feature Question (Convert Amount to Words)
Closed How to Persist data on a Domain Component?
Closed Issues with Type Permissions using Xafari Security
Closed Devexpress aspxgridview clientside event override
Closed How to Customize PeriodStructPropertyEditor?
Closed Create default Roles
Closed Period Filter Bug?
Closed Error after DevExpress Hotfix
Closed Layout of the XafariSecuritySystemRoleDetailView
Closed Compatibility
Closed Questions about dock panels for the web projects
Closed HotFix DX build broke MultiThreadValueManager
Closed Winforms Not Compatible with Xafari
Closed Implementing IUserBrances
Closed How to save to other one to many classes
Closed Dockpanel behaivior
Closed DockPanels can not be docked
Closed Period Filter stops working in upgrade
Closed Apply XafariViewLayoutStrategy to entire assembly
Closed Hyperlink Property Editor and UrlEncode
Closed feature in xafari
Closed Error with DC
Closed How to prevent entering previous date
Closed Latest Devexpress Version
Closed Domain components a must?
Closed Xafari and DevExpress 15.1.8?
Closed ARMs for Web, Template Issue, v15.1.708.509
Closed Unable to install Toolbox with latest version
Closed Xafari Documentation
Closed Web wizard
Closed Xafari Security Based on Loggedin User
Closed Categories+TabbedMDI=duplicate actions
Closed DockPanels removes expandbutton from layoutgroups
Closed xafari samples still have errors when I run
Closed How to see the Xafari Modules on the Toolbox?
Closed How to Initialize a role to ReadOnly ?
Closed How to pass parameter to Sub report?
Closed XAFARI Templates
Closed How to reference summary fields in sub report?
Closed Hierarchy editor win drag’n’drop confirmation
Closed HOw to export and import to excel
Closed DockPanels default placement in tabs
Closed Error in DateEditor PeriodFilterProperty
Closed BUG in DomainLogicBase.RefreshPropertyStore
Closed Upgrading Builds
Closed Getting values of PeriodFilter in code
Closed Slow performance northwind DC win app
Closed Real Word Database app request
Closed Run Demo Project
Closed Xafari DockPanels Issues
Closed Display Records Based on Login User
Closed Login info of Xafari Demo
Closed Demo projects are sometimes in Russian Language
Closed Error while access IDCUser’s DetailView
Closed How to download the latest xafari documentation?
Closed Error in Lookup relation NoForeignKey
Closed Total Order Details
Closed convert an existing xaf application to Xafari
Closed How to filter records baased on the loggedin user
Closed ERP Component question
Closed Payroll Process (ERP )
Closed Limit simultaneously running ManagedOp?
Closed Please, make 15.1.5 build
Closed Online help
Closed Problem with Customize Localization
Closed How to submit a confidential support ticket?
Closed Bulk/MassEdit Question
Closed SmartDesignStrategy Questions
Closed After Upgrading to 15.1.4 ERROR
Closed XAF 15.1.4 compatible installation
Closed Adding arm’s permission access
Closed Add support for collections in BCSettings module
Closed Exported xml file is opening in excel format.
Closed Northwind.DC Sample not working
Closed 14.2.7xx Version of XAFARI
Closed Email errors
Closed ModelDifferences not working
Closed HandsOn DEV help
Closed Licence Question
Closed What happen if my 1 year sub expired ?
Closed demo for report server not working
Closed Operation tracelog
Closed Xafari.Messaging.ExceptionBox Email Address
Closed Xafari Security enhancements / Deault Auth
Closed Xafari Security enhancements IIS7/8 Authentication
Closed DatabaseUsersettings not working
Closed WEB App crash after 14.2.507.122
Closed Double INote Interface in Xafari.BC
Closed DynamicProperties in DC
Closed Arms – Documentation not correct – no samples
Closed Samples Cannot be run
Closed Problem with sending email to clientservices
Closed No Samples installed on trial Ve3rsion
Closed How to add the xafari modules
Closed ERP payroll process
Closed Xafari.Arms.Win Error after startup WIN app
Closed Licence Question
Closed Using Dock Panels in Tabbed MDI
Closed An item with the ‘ModelRuleRequiredField’
Closed Actions in Arms
Closed Google Map Property editor issue
Closed Missing Branches Documentation
Closed Xafari ARM not appearing
Closed xafri:can’t find the demo solution and documention
Closed Xafari.Security.DC.DCSecurity’ is obsolete:
Closed Xafary Stateless
Closed Xafari Server – Report Server working example
Closed MVC transition
Closed Xafari Security enhancements
Closed XafariViewLayoutGenerator, Hierarchical data and MultipleSelection help
Closed Not enough references for EntityFramework orm as most samples/guides use DC or XPO
Closed Online examples & documentation not matching demo code provided with framework
Closed Create a new VerticalGridEditor View for an object
Closed To incorporate google map in our XAF app
Closed Vertical ARM Web Template
Closed Error message when you start the demo versions
Closed cube change according to saved report- RANET
Closed chart Export to excel-Ranet
Closed Regarding Export to excel functionality
Closed Missing Link in Xafari Documentation
Closed Verical Grid Exception
Closed Urgent : Error after update to version 14.2.4
Closed version 14.2 exeption
Closed MVC errors like ‘There is already node with Id ..’
Closed Can’t download free trial of Xafari x06
Closed Xafari for xaf 14.2
Closed Import is not working while we use filter
Closed 14.2 support?
Closed Dockpanel Test
Closed Translation of labels
Closed Feature center DockPanel module error
Closed Can not load Model into Editor any more ;-(
Closed Example projects
Closed ASPxQuickChoicePropertyEditor
Closed Context Help
Closed LookupEditor
Closed How to disable CustomAppearances Actions
Closed Range level filtration for dimensions -RANET Tool
Closed Dock Panels Example doesn’t work
Closed Can t build DC Based Security Getting Started
Closed Didnt manage to build sample solution
Closed license key
Closed CardListEditor
Closed Version
Closed Session timeout for connecting database (RANET)
Closed Filtering the values between range (RANET)
Closed Please, make 14.1.7 build
Closed ExceptionBox functionality
Closed PeriodFilterAction period refresh problem
Closed No message or alert is displaying when no data
Closed Hiding Mdx Query options in tool (Ranet)
Closed Filtration of cube dimension attributes
Closed How to manage the text in popup’s (Ranet )?
Closed Export to excel is not working
Closed validate the property on lostfocus
Closed Remove Header Band in Wizard
Closed enter key required instead of tab
Closed invalid extention for download of 14.1.605.4 build
Closed display(*) sign
Closed how convert your demo project in english
Closed step by step create project
Closed how to buy
Closed Please, make 14.1.6 build
Closed Win and Web version editors
Closed Documentation Location
Closed know more sales price list of demo application
Closed Documentation on GridEditors
Closed Localization
Closed Cannot download attach from “How used XPWeakReferenceStruct”
Closed Action by timer
Closed HierarchyNode Example in docs
Closed When Xafari build 14.1 will be released?
Closed How used XPWeakReferenceStruct
Closed Localization of Exception form
Closed Error opening Wizard
Closed Add controls to Toolbox VS2010
Closed How to extend existing classes
Closed How do I add the Xafari modules to the toolbox?
Closed Future Center Demo Wizard
Closed Xafari Demo Center
Closed How to use Xafari in existing xaf application
Closed Do you offer free support during the 30 day free trial period?
Closed Does XAFARI include source code?
Closed What modules does XAFARI ship with? What does it include?
Write US