• XUM – Xafari Unified platforM
    JavaScript-client for XAF, a large number
    of concurrent users, combine multiple
    XAF-apps in a single web-portal
    Success Stories Request XUM Try
.NET 5: Linux, Windows, iOS .NET 5: Linux, Windows, iOS
Rich JS-client: SPA, Themes & Skins Rich JS-client: SPA, Themes & Skins
XAF & Xafari compatibility XAF & Xafari compatibility
EasyTest: use the same scripts EasyTest: use the same scripts
Migration XAF-app from Win to Web Migration XAF-app from Win to Web
High performance: 1000+ active users High performance: 1000+ active users
Enterprise features & SSO, OAuth Enterprise features & SSO, OAuth

About XUM

XUM (Xafari Unified Platform) provides work XAF-application in 3-tier mode with JS-client.

XUM provides stable work for Enterprise applications on XAF technology with a large number of concurrent users.

XUM supports XAF modules 100%.

Xum supports TabbedMDI, Dock Panels, Popup Windows and other features from WinForm

Modules and Features Supported by XUM

System Modules
Navigation System Module
Printing Module
Localization at runtime Module
Exporting Module
Extra Modules
Audit Trail Module
Business Class Library Customization Module
Chart Module
Clone Object Module
Conditional Appearance Module
Dashboards Module
File Attachments Module
KPI Module
Maps Module
Notifications Module
Office Module
Pivot Chart Module
Pivot Grid Module
Reports V2 Module
Scheduler Module
Script Recorder Module
State Machine Module
TreeList Editors Module
Validation Module
View Variants Module
Workflow Module
Gantt Chart Module
Xafari Modules and Features
Tabbed View
Dock Panels Module
Tabbed MDI
Application Settings Module
Business Operations Module
Extra Navigation Module
Docflow Module

Migration XAF.Win Applications to Web

Standard process for migration Win-apps to Web.

XUM provides migration a Win-application to the Web and supports all abilities of Win UI, including:

  • Tabbed MDI
  • Navigation Items
  • Popup Windows and etc.


XUM provides full compatibility with Xafari Framework:

  • Dock Panels
  • AppSettings
  • TabbedView
  • Wizards and etc.
XUM scales well 3 times better than Xafari.MVC and 10 times better than XAF.WebForms

XUM for Enterprise applications

If you try to describe an Enterprise application by one word, then this word is “MANY”.

This application includes many Modules, many Forms, many Reports, this application implements many Business processes, this application is used by many Active Concurrent Ysers.

XUM provides:

  • application server performance: 50 Users per 1 Core CPU
  • scaling the Application Server and a large number of Concurrent Users (1000+)
  • using  Xafari Report Server and Calculation Server
  • a large number of Forms (1000+)
  • comfortable work with complex form with a large number of Editors
  • comfortable work with a large number of Items in the Main Menu (100+)

The 3-tier Application

Key Features of XUM 3-tier application:

  • High performance of the Application Server - up to 50 concurrent users on Core CPU
  • Cross-platform application - Linux and Windows (Astra Linux, Ubuntu)
  • Support for the most popular web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, Yandex, Atom)
  • Merge several XAF applications on common Web-portal
  • Single sign-on, SSO, through OAuth 2.0 support:
    • own OAuth server  (embedded OAuth server)
    • uses external services: Facebook, Google, Yandex and so on
    • uses Windows authentication (Kerberos)
  • Open API for connecting arbitrary non-XAF applications
  • Use third-party JS components (DevExtreme, KendoUI, ...) to implement UI primitives


The 3-tier Application
How XUM-application works on client

How XUM-application works on client

Client Xum-application has the same concept as standard XAF-application and consists of Frames/Windows, View/ViewItem, Controllers и Templates/Controls.

XUM-application working has key features:

  • Client application works with server throw two channels: 
    • The metadata channel provides for getting and storing metadata about types, Views, and images in the local client cache.
    • The data exchange channel is used when the user is working with the application. The states of objects are transferred and controller actions are performed through this channel.
  • The metadata is downloaded to the client as needed and stored in the browser's local storage. The metadata is reloaded only after the local storage is cleared or the application version is changed.
  • XUM-application works in statefull mode. At the same time, several independent connections can be created for each connected user.
  • Most XAF-application controllers execute on the server, and data about changes in their behavior and state is transferred to the client. Some system controllers are fully implemented on the client and provide the work of the client XUM-application.

Templates/Controls/Editor use the DevExtreme jQuery Widgets. However, there are no restrictions on using widgets from other vendors.

EasyTest technology is supported 100%

XUM includes modules to support EasyTest.

This solution is 100% compatible with similar Win-modules XAF.

So, a Test Script written for a Win application can be used for the XUM version of this application. The converse is also true.


XUM application provides the ability to choose different Themes depending on End-User preferences - Light / Dark, Generic / Compact.

Also custom Theme can be designed and added to application.



XUM app is fully integrated with XAF localization technology. So, the application is localized in all available ways for XAF - Localizers, Model Application. Also, localization can be done using the “Xafari ModelDesigner” technology.

By default, XUM application uses the local settings used for the browser. But the user can choose a different way of localization.

Switching Localization at run-time

XUM Getting Started

We can help to start use XUM:

  • Migration XAF-Win application to XUM
  • Migration non-XAF application to XAF + XUM


What version of XAF is required for the current version of XUM?
  1. The XUM build depends on the XAF version.
  2. We are currently using XAF version 20.2.6
  3. Going forward, we will be releasing XUM in sync with the release of XAF
How is XUM licensed?

At the moment we are forming a licensing policy for XUM.

We plan to publish of XUM as an open-source project with the possibility of subscribing to commercial support.

The SOFTWARE PRODUCT XUM can be used only together with DevExpress products. No right of use or license is granted for DevExpress products. The END USER must obtain and follow the appropriate licensing terms and right of use set forth by the vendor at website

Can I become your partner for the XUM product?
  1. Yes, we are looking for partners in the global market to promote XUM technology
  2. Contact us for more info

Our Kanban Board


Load testing and apps server optimization

Web client profiling and optimization (gRPC, SignalR etc.)

Maps Module

KPI Module

Dashboards Module

In Progress

Release XUM - Q4 2021

Documentation XUM

Printing Module

Exporting Module

Request XUM: Your Feedback Matters

1. I'm interested in XUM for my project:

2. I want you help me to migrate my XAF-application to XUM:

3. I have own PropertyEditor and ListEditor and I need this in XUM:

4. I use custom theme

5. Do you ready to try CTP version?

5 + 1 =


Online Demo - demonstrates MainDemo and FeatureCenter applications that migrated to XUM.

Use UserName = 'Sam' and Password = '1'.

Archive (170 MB) with the first release of the XUM CTP Version

The archive contains folders:
/Demos - offline demo for XUM getting started
/NugetPackages -offline nuget packages
/Visual Studio - VS 2019 extensions

You can get support in our Gitter Xafari community.
The migration process is described in the document “Xum. Getting Started.pdf"

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