Adding arm’s permission access


Hello guys!
I’m evaluating now the Security.DC and I appreciate the very nice solution for data and actions permission dinamically.
But my question is… If I use Arms the navigation permission doesn’t work, do you intend to put this permission for arms soon?



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Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello Lucas,

Please, give us  additional information about your Xafari version and web/win application.

Thanks, Sasha.


Hi Sasha,
in this sample project, is it possible to hide/show the Dashboard using permissions?
I'm using Xafari 14.2.507.122 and DevExpress 14.1.7


Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hi Lucas,


Thank you for the update.

We will research the attached sample and let you know our results.


Regards, Sasha.

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello Lucas,


For solution your issues, you can read next advices:


>> I’m evaluating now the Security.DC and I appreciate the very nice solution for data and actions permission dinamically.
But my question is… If I use Arms the navigation permission doesn’t work, do you intend to put this permission for arms soon?

You can:

  1. replace Authentication Standart on Xafari Authentication in Model;
  2. ran your application and select Windows Authentication;
  3. set Administrator(or other) role for your user.

See attached file Videos -> SetRole.avi.


>> in this sample project, is it possible to hide/show the Dashboard using permissions?


Standard navigation have used the permissions, but the permission haven’t worked with AMS.

‘How to use security for ARMs’: you can see in attached file Videos -> AddRole.avi.


Feel free to contact us any further questions.
Regards, Sasha.

Attached files:

Hello Sasha,
Thank you for your nice support!
Retracing my question, do you intend to extend this permission for specific View and TemplateLink on Arms?
I ask this because I am developing an application that uses dashboards and views of non persistent class which need permission rules.


Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hi Lucas,




The permissions work only with data type and actions to ARMs,
unfortunately the permissions don't apply for any views and dashboards.
And the ability(permissions) will not extend for specific View and Template Link on Arms in the near future.


Alternatively you can use next scenario:

- add new menu for each role


- or create and configure Work Place.


You would check next versions for the correct operation of your application:
DevExpress v14.2.5 - Xafari v14.2.507.143 (x07)
DevExpress v14.2.6 - Xafari v14.2.607.143 (x07)
DevExpress v14.2.7 - Xafari v14.2.707.143 (x07)
DevExpress v15.1.3 - Xafari v15.1.308.217 (x08)
DevExpress v15.1.4 - Xafari v15.1.408.247 (x08)


Let me know if you need further assistance.
Thanks, Sasha.

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