I can not have the ArmsMainForm template form translated in French like what happens with DevExpress's standard templates, even when I copy the satellite assemblies DLL like recommanded.
Thank you!
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Hello gabossolo, Thanks for reporting the issue.
In order to fix the issue, we must first reproduce the issue in our labs. Unfortunately we are unable to reproduce the issue in our labs. We do not have ideas why this error can occur on your machine either. Could you please provide us with the following info? 1. A small demo project, reproducing the problem; 2. Detailed steps to reproduce the problem. We want to help you and are looking forward to hearing from you.
Regards, Mariya On behalf of Xafari Client Services Team
Hi Mariya -- please find attached a file without the details of the issue facing to get ArmsMainForm to French after apply DevExpress Satellite Assemblies.