I'm able to add/edit branches -> assign branches to users and assign branches to classifiers objects. I have enabled Branches Service as Administrator on Configuration node. But for user with retricted role i still all objects...
Thanks for the clarification. We are going to investigate the issue. Give us some time.
Thanks, Sasha.
Sasha (Xafari Support)Client
Hi Mikko,
We apologize for the delayed response. This behavior can occur for branches when user have administrator rights, and you have to reload your project after settings the branches. Please, check correct the settings of branches.
Please inform us of your results. Best regards, Sasha.
Thanks for response!
But the user with the screen capture is not administrative user! We also use Workplaces.
Thanks for the additional information. We are going to investigate the issue again.
Best regards, Sasha.
What is going with this?
Can you provide small example solution with branches where is only xpo-objects (non DC)?
I can also send small sample application where you code necessary changes to make it happen.
Sasha (Xafari Support)Client
Hello Mikko,
I apologize for the delayed response. Unfortunately we have problem from BranchesModule. We are working on this problem and will get back to you as soon as we can.