demo for report server not working

Γρηγορης ΤσολακιδιςClient

As per your instructions ( ) i have tried to see a working example of report server but when pressing “Deploy demo reports” I am presented with an unhandled exception that Xafari.Northwind.DC.Reports.Templates.Orders.repx is not found (during call of objectSpace.DeployXafTemplate

As you can see below solution has the missing repx

Since call uses reflection I don’t know how to pass this repx correctly in the function. Can you please help me fix this?

Attached files:


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Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello Grigoris,


I apologize for the delayed response.


We can’t finding a cause of this issue at moment and a further research will take some additional time.


And also you can to test the issue by running the DemoCenter (Start/Xafari Framework v14.2…/DemoCenter 14.2…/Northwind.DC).


Regards, Sasha.

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hi Grigoris,


Sorry, this exception occurs each time you start the web application?
(%PUBLIC%\Documents\Xafari Framework v14.2.507 Demos\Northwind.DC\CS\Northwind.DC - to open, _Xafari.Northwind.DC.Web.App - to run)


Thanks, Sasha.

Γρηγορης Τσολακιδις

Hi Sasha

I don't understand your question.
It happens when we try to start report server

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello Grigoris,


To correct this issue you can use the following settings:

set BuildAction = Embedded Resource for Orders.repx, OrdersReportTemplate.xlsx, Product.repx in Properties


We're going to fix this problem in the following release Xafari up to 30 April 2015.


Feel free to contact us for any further questions.

Regards, Sasha.

Γρηγορης Τσολακιδις

Hello Sasha

Following your suggestion about the embedded resources we managed to deploy the demo reports but we are now unable to complete step 2 as described in your example

"After that click on the action "All products" in the drop-down action list “Products” (see #2 at the screenshot). A window will appear with the message “Report sent for processing, the result will be displayed in the log reports”. Thus the report is generating in the background, while a user can continue works in the application."

When clicking the "all products" action (or any action for what matters) we don’t get any result or notification about processing. Are we missing something? Connection to the database is established and working. The ReportServer how does it start? Is there a separate exe that should be running? Because we could not find any such thing.

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello Grigoris,


-"After click on the action "All products" in the drop-down action list “Products” (see #2 at the screenshot). A window will appear with the message “Report sent for processing, the result will be displayed in the log reports”. Thus the report is generating in the background, while a user can continue works in the application."


i.e. after click on the action "All products" in the drop-down action list “Products” you can see your report in "Saved Report" (there is action in tab Xafari Reports).

Please specify, do you have a message “Report sent for processing, the result will be displayed in the log reports” (or other message) after click on the action "All products"?


Regards, Sasha.

Γρηγορης Τσολακιδις

See video and make remarks with what is needed to get report results.

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello Grigoris,


Thank you for the additional information.
Please, remove Xafari.Northwind.DC_14.2.707 DB or create a new DB and inform us of your results.


Regards, Sasha.

Γρηγορης Τσολακιδις

What you mean to create new database?
This is created by the latest version of your framework.

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello Grigoris,


We repeated this issue from your video (Northwind_DC_Reports_Issue.rar).

It happens in Firefox and Firefox Developer Edition.


We are going to fix this problem in the near future.


Currently you can test the Northwind.DC(Web) using Opera, Chrome or Internet Explorer.


Regards, Sasha.

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