Devexpress aspxgridview clientside event override

Γρηγορης ΤσολακιδιςClient

Hello again,

After including the Xafari, Xafari.Web assemblies to my project (in order to use the wizard-issue 24650) and nothing more i have noticed that some icons have changes in the default list controls (Devexpress gridviews) and that all property editors in detail views have switched to their xafari counterpart from the devexpress one (although this last one may have been due to including the Xafari.Editor assemblies at first - i have since removed them and need to check again).

At first i did not pay attention to the new icons in gridview but it is not the only thing changed. I have written js code in some controllers that applies to Init and several other clientside events of gridview that stopped being executed. This occurs when loading the listview for the first time or refreshing or switching views. When manually called through a callback the events work. I have checked without any referenced Xafari assemblies and the events work fine so i am guessing that they are been overridden somehow like with the new icon.

Can you please tell me what is changed in the default Devexpress behaviour when including the Xafari module and how to stop this either selectively or entirely if no other way.

Or am i missing something else here and this is not the problem.

In case you need code to verify you already have the full source code of the project due to my other open issue. In the first Listview that opens you can see the changed icons i described and in ListViewControllerWeb.cs i have a function OnViewControlsCreated_SetGridHeight that sets the above mentioned clientside events along with GridViewAfterPerformCallback_AutoAdjustHeightSupport that handles the callback. You will see that although they are activated fine the grid does not resize to content as it should. But clicking on second result page or setting a new page size calls the same functions and the resize happens ok.



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Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello Greg,
We thank you for your ticket.

>> Can you please tell me what is changed in the default Devexpress behaviour when including the Xafari module and how to stop this either selectively or entirely if no other way.

Yes, in fact Xafari changes the default Devexpress behavior when including the Xafari modules.
There are possibilities to switch it off. But unfortunately we haven't managed to understand your example.

Please provide us with screenshots etc. to clarify your difficulties.

We will be happy to help you.
Best regards,

Yury GermanClient

As there is no new information, let me close the ticket

Feel free to reopen the ticket or to submit a new ticket when you are ready.

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