May be this is reason I was add the %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_compiler.exe -v / -p "c:\Galaktika.RUZ\Galaktika.RUZ.Ban.WebApp" to the "Post-Build action" box and have error "DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Templates.ActionContainers.ActionContainerHolder.PaintStyle" is obsolete: "Use the WebActionContainer.PaintStyle property instead." c:\Galaktika.RUZ\Galaktika.RUZ.Ban.WebApp\CustomDefaultTemplateContent.ascx 46 Galaktika.RUZ.Ban.WebApp
I apologize for the delayed response. We have managed to reproduce this behavior on our side and passed this ticket to our developers for further research. It will take some additional time.
Regards, Mariya On behalf of Xafari Client Services Team