Exception using DockPanelTemplateContent.ascx

Scott GrossClient

We want to start using the DockPanels on Web.

I used the new Xafari New Item Wizard and after adding the template to the session started event, I get the below inner exception.

The ASP.DockPanelTemplateContent type should be descendant of the DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Templates.TemplateContent type.

Can you provide a functional template?


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Sasha (Xafari Support)Client


We are working on your issue. It will take some additional time.

Best regards,

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hi Scott,

For a start we can propose you to see additional info about our Dock Panels
and you can see theĀ Xafari Demo Center v... -> Dock Panels (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Xafari Framework v... Demos\DockPanels).

If this information is not enough, let us know about it.
Thanks, Sasha.

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