

how can i handle partlists with parts.
parts with or without partlists are handled.
Is there an example for this problem?


UserDescriptionPosted On
Sasha (Xafari Support)Client


You can see our Demo Center: Start -> Xafari Framework v... -> Demo Center... and documentation.

We hope you find this information helpful.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Best regards,


Thank you for your answer, but unfortunately it doesn't exactly match our problem.

Our task is to create a tree structure managed preferably by a "data" and a relation table. So that every object can appear multiple times with different parents (m to n relation). Is there a possibility to realise that with your framework?

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client


For your description we can assume additional behavior: 1)one object can be assigned to the one parent several times and 2)one object can be assigned to several parents.

The first and second variants of behavior require additional code. That is, we can not configure such logic using the existing Xafari functionality and without introducing additions to the code.

Let us know if you need further assistance.
Best regards,


Thank you for your reply.
Can you show us an example for this behavior?

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client


Please, give us additional detail about your task or schematics, because we can not decide what behavior you expect.

Thanks, Sasha.

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

And send us information about your buy of Xafari license to the email clientservices@galaktika-soft.com


Please see the PartExample file.
we sent an additional email to you.

Attached files:
Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Thanks for the information, we are working on your issue and will get back to you as soon as we can.

Best regards,

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client


Sorry for the delay with the answer and thanks for your patience!

Unfortunately, the use of IHierarchyNode requires additional research. But I can suggest you try using the TreeList editor, maybe this editor can implement some of your ideas.

You can correct the class Part:

[ModelDefault("Caption", "Part")]
[ModelDefault("AllowEdit", "false")]
[ModelDefault("AllowDelete", "false")]
[ModelDefault("AllowNew", "false")]
[ModelDefault("DefaultListViewShowFindPanel", "True")]
[ModelDefault("DefaultListViewShowAutoFilterRow", "True")]
public class Part: XPObject, ITreeNode, ITreeNodeImageProvider
public Part(Session session) : base(session) { }
public override void AfterConstruction() { base.AfterConstruction(); }
string fPartName;
public string PartName
get { return fPartName; }
set { SetPropertyValue("PartName", ref fPartName, value); }
int fQTY;
public int QTY
get { return fQTY; }
set { SetPropertyValue("QTY", ref fQTY, value); }
string fPrice;
public string Price
get { return fPrice; }
set { SetPropertyValue("Price", ref fPrice, value); }
string fMemo;
public string Memo
get { return fMemo; }
set { SetPropertyValue("Memo", ref fMemo, value); }
public XPCollection PartCollection { get { return GetCollection("PartCollection"); } }
public XPCollection PartBelongTo { get { return GetCollection("PartBelongTo"); } }
#region ITreeNode
MembersSystem.ComponentModel.IBindingList ITreeNode.Children
get { return PartCollection; }
string ITreeNode.Name
get { return PartName; }
ITreeNode ITreeNode.Parent
//get { return PartBelongTo; }
get { return null; }

Image ITreeNodeImageProvider.GetImage(out string imageName)
imageName = "BO_User";
return ImageLoader.Instance.GetImageInfo(imageName).Image;

And add ViewController for WinModule:

public partial class RefreshListViewController : ViewController<DetailView>
public RefreshListViewController()
this.TargetObjectType = typeof(Part);
protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()
View.Closed += View_Closed;
public void View_Closed(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
WinShowViewStrategyBase strategy = Application.ShowViewStrategy as WinShowViewStrategyBase;
if (strategy == null) return;
foreach (WinWindow window in strategy.Windows)
if (window.View is ListView)

We hope you find this information helpful.
And we are working on your issue.

Best regards,

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