how convert your demo project in english

mohd salimClient

dear sir i require the english version of nothanwind and other project in english

how i make the project wizard and include the xafari tools


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Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello, Mohd Salim!

If you want to change the language of our project Demo Center on English, you should

1)  run Demo Center

2) run solution (Northwind, Northwind.DC, Business Components)

3)  select Tools (Инструменты) -> EditModel (Редактировать модель) -> PreferredLanguage (see attached file: PreferredLanguage.png ), select (Default language) -> Save, Close

4) select File (Файл) -> LogOff (Сменить пользователя)

5) Log On (Вход в систему)

6) language changed to English

7) for Feature Center: select Tools (Инструменты) -> Choose Language (Выбрать  язык) -> Default language (Язык по умолчанию)

You must run Web version the application in the browser with English language by default.

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