How do I enable the toolbar

Joe GarroClient

I can't find in the documentation or the examples anywhere how to setup to the toolbar on the HTML5 version. Or maybe I can only do it when I use the angular version? I'm not sure, I just can't find any documentation on it anywhere.


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Vyacheslav SemenkovClient

Toolbar is a part of the AngularJS application. So yes, you can configure it only when using it.

We have an article about configuring AngularJS application and standalone Pivot Table jQuery plugin:

Best regards,
Vyacheslav Semenkov

Joe GarroClient

Do I have to enable each button?

Joe GarroClient

Would it be possible to get a non-minified version of ranetControls.min.js and app.min.js? These would really help fill in the documentation gaps.

Vyacheslav SemenkovClient

No, all the buttons are enabled by default. You only have to disable them, if necessary.

I believe we don't provide source codes until you don't have subscribtion.

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