How to best implement numerators


I'm just beginning to work on a new project using the latest release of Xafari Framework. I have a question about how to best implement numerators in one of by hierarchical business objects.

The following is the code as it currently exists. I would like to add a property that adds a numerator based on the position of the row in the list view. I would like for this to work like the Hierarchy Full Name property in this code, which automatically changes during a drag and drop of the list view's rows. Instead of using the Process name, I want the new property's column to display a value based on it's position in the hierarchy like the following example.


using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.DC;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Model;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Utils;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Xpo;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base.General;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Validation;
using DevExpress.Xpo;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using Xafari;
using Xafari.Base;
using Xafari.BC;
using Xafari.BC.HierarchicalData;
using Xafari.BC.Numerators;

namespace XAF9.Module.BusinessObjects.XAF9
[DefaultClassOptions] public partial class BusinessProcess : XPObject, IHierarchyNode, ITreeNodeImageProvider, INameSupport, IIndexNumberSupport
public BusinessProcess(Session session) : base(session) { }
public override void AfterConstruction() { base.AfterConstruction(); }

public int IndexNumber
return GetPropertyValue("IndexNumber");
SetPropertyValue("IndexNumber", value);

private string _name;
[ImmediatePostData] [HierarchyNodeNameProperty()] public String Name
get { return _name; }
set { SetPropertyValue("Name", ref _name, value); }

#region BusinessProcess

private BusinessProcess _process;
[Association("Process - SubProcess")] [ParentProperty("Hierarchy")] public BusinessProcess ParentProcess
get { return _process; }
set { SetPropertyValue("ParentProcess", ref _process, value); }

[Association("Process - SubProcess")] [ChildrenProperty("Hierarchy", DeletingMode = DeletingMode.Cascade)] public XPCollection SubProcess
get { return GetCollection("SubProcess"); }

private string _hierarchyFullName;
[FieldSize(1000)] [ModelDefault("RowCount", "0")] [ModelDefault("AllowEdit", "false")] [HierarchyFullNameProperty("Hierarchy")] public string HierarchyFullName
get { return _hierarchyFullName; }
set { SetPropertyValue("HierarchyFullName", ref _hierarchyFullName, value); }


[RuleFromBoolProperty("IsValidProcess", DefaultContexts.Save, "Cannot select yourself as parent.")] [NonPersistent] [MemberDesignTimeVisibility(false)] public bool IsValidProcess
get { return this.ParentProcess != this; }

protected override void OnDeleting()
var objectSpace = XPObjectSpace.FindObjectSpaceByObject(this);
if (objectSpace != null)
this.GetType().Xafari().BC().HierarchyNodeTypeInfo.DeleteObject(objectSpace, this);

protected override void OnChanged(string propertyName, object oldValue, object newValue)
base.OnChanged(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);
if (propertyName == "ParentProcess" || propertyName == "Name")

public void UpdateFullNameValue(string separator = " : ")
var typeInfo = XafTypesInfo.Instance.FindTypeInfo(this.GetType());
if (typeInfo == null) return;

foreach (var hierarchyName in typeInfo.Type.Xafari().BC().HierarchyNodeTypeInfo.Hierarchies.Select(a => a.HierarchyName))
Image ITreeNodeImageProvider.GetImage(out string imageName)
imageName = "BO_User";
return ImageLoader.Instance.GetImageInfo(imageName).Image;

private bool CheckCircularReference(string hierarchyName = HierarchyManager.DefaultHierarchyName)
return this.GetType().Xafari().BC().HierarchyInfo(hierarchyName).CheckCircularReference(this);

#region Implementation of IHierarchyNode

public string GetHierarchyNodeName(string hierarchyName = null)
return this.GetType().Xafari().BC().HierarchyInfo(hierarchyName).GetNodeName(this);

public string GetHierarchyNodeFullName(string hierarchyName = null)
return this.GetType().Xafari().BC().HierarchyInfo(hierarchyName).GetNodeFullName(this);

public void SetHierarchyNodeFullName(string value, string hierarchyName = null)
this.GetType().Xafari().BC().HierarchyInfo(hierarchyName).SetNodeFullName(this, value);

public string GetHierarchyNodeFullPath(string hierarchyName = null)
throw new NotImplementedException();

public void SetHierarchyNodeFullPath(string value, string hierarchyName = null)
throw new NotImplementedException();

public IHierarchyNode GetHierarchyParent(string hierarchyName = null)
return this.GetType().Xafari().BC().HierarchyInfo(hierarchyName).GetParent(this);

public void SetHierarchyParent(IHierarchyNode parent, string hierarchyName = null)
this.GetType().Xafari().BC().HierarchyInfo(hierarchyName).SetParent(this, parent);

public IList GetHierarchyChildren(string hierarchyName = null)
return this.GetType().Xafari().BC().HierarchyInfo(hierarchyName).GetChildren(this);





UserDescriptionPosted On
Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello Larry,

Unfortunately, we cannot realize your case using existing components of Xafari. It requires reworks.

In cases like yours, we can provide custom development services and add the required functionality to your solution. If you are interested, you can send your requirements at, then our developers will study them and get back to you with timeframe for the task.

Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance or have additional questions. We will be happy to help you.
Thanks, Sasha.

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