HOw to export and import to excel


What I am trying to do is to grab a record on sql server for example a loan amount, interest, amortization period and the amortization mode which is daily, monthly or annually. A new user would enter on a list view the amount, say principal =100 , amoritzation period=2 yrs, mode of payment=monthly or maybe daily, interest rate=10% for example, I would like to send this data using xaf to send it to a pre-defined excel worksheet to compute the amortization depending on the mode whether daily or monthly, no problem with the formula because it is already defined on an existing excel worksheet. Once it is on the excel worksheet then I would also want to grab the data on the excel worksheet that already computes for the amortization to save it to the sql server database table or tables if necessary. In xpand framework they have this but I dont want to use because the build will depend on the devexpress build, the latest build of xpand framework is different on what I am using.


UserDescriptionPosted On
Yury GermanClient


Unfortunately, we don't provide Expand Framework support.

Feel free to ask us any further question.




Thanks, what I mean was , I thought there is a functionality in xafari that is able to import and export to excel. pls. delete this thread. thanks.

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