How to include subprocesses in business operation


I want to convert the provided business operation to synchronous
With subprocesses.


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You can create your own Managed Business Operationthat will be performed by subprocesses.
To do this, you need to create a Business Operation, which will be implemented by the IBusinessOperationMangaed interface. For more infomation see Managed Business Operation Class
For example:

public abstract class CustomManagedBusinessOperation : BusinessOperationBase, IBusinessOperationManaged
        private IManagedOperation _process;

        public IManagedOperation Process
            get { return _process ?? (_process = CreateManagedOperationStub()); }
            set { _process = value; }

        /// Executes the Business Operation in context of a managed operation.
        /// This method also initializes  property with value returned by the  virtual method.
        /// A  object in which the Business Operation is executed.
        public IManagedOperation ExecuteManaged()
            Process = CreateManagedOperation();
            return Process;

        protected abstract void CreateSubProcess(IManagedOperation managedOperation);

        /// Rollbacks the Business Operation in context of a managed operation.
        /// This method also initializes  property with value returned by the  virtual method.
        /// A  object in which the Business Operation is executed.
        public IManagedOperation RollbackManaged()
            Process = CreateManagedOperation();
            Process.ProcessCode = pc => Rollback();
            return Process;

        /// Factory method that creates  object.
        /// A  object in which the Business Operation is executed.
        protected virtual IManagedOperation CreateManagedOperation()
            var mo = new ManagedOperation(BusinessOperationManager.Instance.Application)
                Name = this.Name,
                ZoneType = ManagedOperationZoneTypes.Local
            return mo;

        /// Factory method that creates the  object.
        /// For more information see the  property's description.
        /// The  object.
        protected virtual IManagedOperation CreateManagedOperationStub()
            return new ManagedOperationStub();

Further in your business operations, you can override the CreateSubProcces method and create subprocesses.

       protected override void CreateSubProcess(IManagedOperation managedOperation)
            (managedOperation as ManagedOperation).CreateSubProcess("ManagedOperationsSubprocesses1", item => Execute());

Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance or have additional questions.

On behalf of Xafari Client Services Team

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