How to see the Xafari Modules on the Toolbox?


I am trying to implement the Branches Feature on this link and followed the instructions however I cannot successfully implement the Xafari security to replace the standard xaf security as shown on my Screenshot, I already added the necessary xaf security references but I cannot find the xafari security module. I can only see Xaf and other Standard controls on my Toolbox. Thanks!

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UserDescriptionPosted On

This is just a follow up message. I tried to follow a closed ticket that I posted before regarding how to convert existing xaf to xafari. And on that page I saw a picture on the xafari modules on the toolbox which is not present on my toolbox. Pls guide me on how to add the xafari modules to my toolbox. I assumed that i can see them upon installing Xafari, or Do I need to manually add it? Thanks!

Attached files:

Here is the screenshot of my Toolbox. For some reason I cannot find the xafarimodules. In the meantime I will try to install the older version of xafari and see if it will automatically add the xafari tools. Thanks!

Attached files:

By the way , Just an update of the things that I have tried before asking this question. I also tried to run the xti.exe (Xafari Toolbox installer ) but I still dont see the Xafari Tools.

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Please, inform us which VisualStudio version are you using?




Thank you so much for the very quick reply. I am using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Version 12.0.40629.00 Update 5.

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

To solve the issue we recommend you follow steps:

- Install VS Toolbox: Start -> Xafari Framework v15.1.608 -> Tools -> Install VS Toolbox
- run VS and Reset Toolbox (if this step doesn't help, you can repair Toolbox):

Please inform us of your results.
Regards, Sasha.


Still I cannot see the xafari modules Ma'am. What should I do?


I installed an older version of xafari but still I cannot see the modules. I'm sure I am doing something wrong.

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Please, inform us which DevExpress version and Xafari version are you using?

DevExpress version and Xafari version must be the same (Version numbering).



With your latest version of Xafari, which version of Devexpress should be installed? because I have to follow which should work on xafari.Thanks!


I have 15.1.5. Thanks!


Just an update for what I did as a remedy for me to see the xafari modules. Since the Latest xafari version which is 15.1.608.465 is not working I installed the later version which is Xafari 15.1.508.323 and still it does not work.So now I will try again to install the latest xafari version and see it it will work.

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

If you work with Xafari, your DevExpress version have to be 15.1.5.
If you work with Xafari, your DevExpress version have to be 15.1.6.

(The first two segments correspond to the major and minor DevExpress version (on which depends the Xafari version):
DX – 15.1.x, Xafari – 15.1.x0c.d
The third segment is formed by the rule: x0c, where x – DevExpress build number, c – Xafari version number
DX – 15.1.4, Xafari – 15.1.408
The fourth segment is a sequential build number of Xafari version
Xafari – 15.1.408.247)

If you are installing a new version of Xafari, you must close the Visual Studio and remove old version of Xafari.


The devexpress version is


Yes Ma'am I exactly did what you said and still I am really puzzled why the xafari modules are not displaying.


Just an additional input, maybe it will help your team troubleshoot the problem. I can open the WinApplication.cs on new sample projects , but I cannot open the Winapplication on any of the Xafari Examples. The error below appears on the designer.
"System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomSerializerException: The type 'Xafari.Win.XafariWinModule' has no property named 'ResourcesExportedToModel'.
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomSerializerBase.Error(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, String exceptionText, String helpLink)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomSerializerBase.DeserializePropertyReferenceExpression (IDesignerSerializationManager manager, CodePropertyReferenceExpression propertyReferenceEx, Boolean reportError)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomSerializerBase.DeserializeExpression (IDesignerSerializationManager manager, String name, CodeExpression expression)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomSerializerBase.DeserializeExpression (IDesignerSerializationManager manager, String name, CodeExpression expression)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomSerializerBase.DeserializeStatement (IDesignerSerializationManager manager, CodeStatement statement)"

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Please, send us screenshot of content your RegistryEditor - the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller.


Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Foto example:

Attached files:

I saw the picture and I was able to compare and determine that there was no xafari entries on my ToolboxControlsInstaller registry. What could be done about it. I assure that there is no xafari entries, that would be the main cause of the Xafari modules not appearing on my toolbox.



Attached files:
Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

If you choose setup type №1 or №2, Xafari tools aren't added on toolbox.
This tools are added on toolbox, when you choose setup type №3.(Attached file: Install.png)

One of solutions the issue, you can add items to the Toolbox, such as controls, that are located on your computer, a network share.
(Attached video:

I hope you find this information helpful)
Regards, Sasha.


Hi Sasha,
Attached are the only xafari entries that I see on the .net framework components. OMG what am I doing wrong here. Please help, it has been 9 hours now since I have been doing everything to make the modules appear. I only see four xafari entries. Pls help! Thanks very much for your patience!

Attached files:
Sasha (Xafari Support)Client


My recommendation:
- close VisualStudio
- remove all DevExpress
- remove all Xafari
- install DevExpress 15.1.6 as Administrator
- install Xafari 15.1.608.465 as Administrator
- run VS and your project.

Good luck!

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