Hello, In new Xafari version you can use following settings, if you want set behavior as you described above. You have to create numerator (Xafari Business Numerator): Model.DesignedDiffs.xafml (Model.xafml) -> Xafari -> Services -> Numerators: Add... -> ServicesNumerator and set a properties - DerivedClassesBehavior = Apply, - KeyTemplate = {0:DateTimeProperty,yyyy}, where DateTimeProperty - the name your property CurrentYear (see KeyTemplate), - Template = {0:DateTimeProperty,yyyy}-{0:<INDEX>,00000} (see Template) Next step, add for your numerator Link: Add... -> ServicesNumeratorLink and set a properties - ApplyStrategy = OnSave, - ModelClass = name your class, - Property = name a property for numerator Class DateNumerator: public class DateNumerator : BaseObject { public DateNumerator(Session session) : base(session){ }private string _caption; public string Caption { get { return _caption; } set { this.SetPropertyValue("Caption", ref this._caption, value); } } private string _number; public string Number { get { return _number; } set { this.SetPropertyValue("Number", ref this._number, value); } } public DateTime DateTimeProperty { get; set; } } We hope you find this information helpful. Feel free to contact us if you experience any further difficulties. Best regards, Sasha. |