1. What is the difference between "Public" & "User" report. Please explain their visibility and accessibility between the users. 2. Can we create new user? Please explain Authentication part.
Thanks, Prasath
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Vyacheslav SemenkovClient
1. Public report is visible to everyone. User report is visible only by the user who created the report.
2. Application is using Windows authentication. So, you can't create new user using it. But it's possible to implement your own authentication system.
Thank You!
I have chosen "custom account" option and used my account for application pool identity(please find the attachment). By this I can connect to cube, create the report and save successfully. With this setup saving the report under "User" folder becomes visible to all other users. How to restrict the reports user wise?
Please let me know if You have any update on this.
Regards, Prasath
Vyacheslav SemenkovClient
That's the way windows authentication works. By selecting custom account you have disabled impersonalization in iis. So application pool is running under your confugured custom identity instead of windows identity of user. Thats why all users are running under the same identity and User folder is visible for everyone.