I have a single cell returned from a query and would like to include it in a label or text box. I have added the query to DataBindings in a "Label" but am unable to put the cell value in the label. I have so far tried [UKTotal], UKTotal, {UKTotal}. How do I put a cell value with text in a form?
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Our team has made sample where you can see how you can realise it.
Please let me know if you have any problems with it in you project.
Thanks for your quick reply, I can see it, and it's exactly what I need, but unfortunately as a demo user I am unable to see how it was done (I would have to 'check out' the form, and I get an error when I try to "check out")! Does that example use a Label? If so, what is the syntax to go in the 'text' field for the label, for the value to be displayed?
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Thank you, I see this is with an OLAP query. When I want to use it with an SQL Server query, what can I enter as path? I tried 0 and I tried UKTotal but in both cases I get the error "System.InvalidCastException: [InvalidCast_IConvertible]".
We have a bug with SQL server query and Label work. Sorry for that. We'll fix it in the next versions.
We've changed label control on ItemsControl that we use for showing the array of data from SQL Server.
Let me know if any questions.
Thanks Oleg,
When I try to check out the form so I can see how it works I get this error: [HttpWebRequest_WebException_RemoteServer] Arguments: NotFound
This is while signed in as alexzarach. Can you please allow my account to check out the form?
Thank you
I have checked your credentials. I have not any problems. Please try again.
After clearing my cache I could check the file out, and the fix worked perfectly when I applied it to my test dashboard. It gave me a reason to try using XAML! Thanks again