Hello gabossolo! Thanks for the provided information. In this case, comparisons cannot be made through the structure in the criteria. It is necessary to formulate a criterion using the structure parameters. For example: CriteriaOperator.Parse(string.Format("[<PersistentMaster1>][Contains([^.Master1.TargetKey],ToStr(Oid)) AND [^.Master1.TargetType] = {0}]", this.ObjectSpace.Xafari().Session.GetObjectType(typeof(PersistentMaster1).Xafari().ClassInfo).SafeGetId())); var objects2 = this.ObjectSpace.GetObjects<Details2>(criteria); This criterion was compiled using the objects described in the demo Xafari.FeatureCenter as an example (PersistentMaster1, Details2). Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance or have additional questions. Regards, Mariya On behalf of Xafari Client Services Team |