Reduce cursor flickering on AutoRefresh/ManagedOp?

Alex MillerClient

Is it possible to reduce or eliminate the cursor DefaultWait flickering with the AutoRefresh/ManageOps controller? I know I can change the update frequency, but this cursor change is distracting and is happening even if the view is hidden (MDI mode) and if the view contains no objects.




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Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello Alex,

Our apologies for the delay with the answer to your ticket.
At the moment we can not provide you the solution of this issue.
We are working on your issue and will get back to you as soon as we can.

Thanks, Sasha.

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello alexm,

My apologies for the delay!
Unfortunately, we will not solve this issue with AutoRefresh and UIType = TabbedMDI in the next Xafari versions.
But you can try to inherit and change RefreshController or WinAutoRefreshViewController.

As example, next controller solves this problem (for windows app):

public partial class CorrectWinAutoRefreshViewController: WinAutoRefreshViewController
public CorrectWinAutoRefreshViewController()
public override void DoRefresh()
var modelOptions = this.Application.Model.Options as IModelOptionsWin;
if (modelOptions == null || modelOptions.UIType != UIType.TabbedMDI) return;var refreshTab = this.View.Caption;
var form = this.Application.MainWindow.Template as Form;
if (form != null && form.ActiveMdiChild != null)
var activeTab = form.ActiveMdiChild.Text;
if (refreshTab != activeTab) return;

We hope you find this information helpful.
Let us know if you need any further assistance.
Best regards,

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