Hello alexm, My apologies for the delay! Unfortunately, we will not solve this issue with AutoRefresh and UIType = TabbedMDI in the next Xafari versions. But you can try to inherit and change RefreshController or WinAutoRefreshViewController. As example, next controller solves this problem (for windows app): public partial class CorrectWinAutoRefreshViewController: WinAutoRefreshViewController { public CorrectWinAutoRefreshViewController() { InitializeComponent(); } public override void DoRefresh() { var modelOptions = this.Application.Model.Options as IModelOptionsWin; if (modelOptions == null || modelOptions.UIType != UIType.TabbedMDI) return;var refreshTab = this.View.Caption; var form = this.Application.MainWindow.Template as Form; if (form != null && form.ActiveMdiChild != null) { var activeTab = form.ActiveMdiChild.Text; if (refreshTab != activeTab) return; } base.DoRefresh(); } } We hope you find this information helpful. Let us know if you need any further assistance. Best regards, Sasha. |