Remove Header Band in Wizard


   I'm creating Wizard in my XAF Application. its very excellent product to create the wizards. but i need to remove the header band of the wizard. if any possible to manual override . nor any code snippet for create new TemplateContext and assign.
Thank you

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Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello, sencsk

Will try to prepare a solution to your issue soon.

Regards, Sasha.

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello, sencsk

We have studied your issue.

The header band of the wizard added to the form window as a panel. In this class (search the class Xafari.Win/Templates/WizardForm) the panel is of the type private. As a result, we can not delete this panel using controller.

Maybe in the future we will make a class with a public property.

Thanks, Sasha.


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