I am exploring Ranet OLAP MVC. I would like to know about below features. 1. Save Report - We have used "Save As" option. On which location the report has been saved. 2. Calculations - Explain the usage and how to use it. Provide document if any. 3. What If Analysis - Explain the usage and how to use it. Provide document if any.
Thanks, Prasath
Posted On
Vyacheslav SemenkovClient
1. If you are using our default report storage, then you can find your reports in folder App_Data on server.
2. Take a look at this articles: https://galaktika-soft.com/blog/how-to-create-custom-calculations-in-ranet-olap.html https://galaktika-soft.com/blog/custom-calculations-in-ranet-olap-pivot-tables.html
3.Here is an article, describing What-If Analysis: https://galaktika-soft.com/blog/what-if-analysis-ranet-olap-pivot-table.html
Thank You!
I can see the reports in folder App_Data. Please let me know if We can save the reports on database.
Regards, Prasath
Vyacheslav SemenkovClient
Yes, you can. You would have to create your own report provider in order to do this.
Thank You!
Kindly provide me some directions or provide a reference to any old tickets.
Regards, Prasath
Vyacheslav SemenkovClient
We will create a small example for you, but this may require few days.
Thank You!
Could You please tell me an approximate date so that I can update my management. Also suggest a best practice to save the report either in file system or database.
Regards, Prasath
Vyacheslav SemenkovClient
I expect example to be ready within a week.
I'm afraid, I can't suggest the way to store report that will suit your needs.