Slow performance northwind DC win app

Profile Reply
arjan Client

Hi guys,

I'm currently evaluating the Xafari product and testing the northwind DC demo app (win).
If I open the listview for orders, It takes more than 5 seconds to show the data (in server mode)
In the output is see alot of entries like this:

Create Domain Logic: Xafari.Northwind.DC.Documents.IOrderLogic
14.09.15 13:23:29.019 Create Domain Logic: Xafari.BC.DC.DisplayNameSupportLogic
14.09.15 13:23:29.019 Create Domain Logic: Xafari.BC.DC.DynamicProperties.PersistentDynamicObjectLogic
14.09.15 13:23:29.019 Create Domain Logic: Xafari.BC.DC.DynamicProperties.DynamicObjectBaseLogic
14.09.15 13:23:29.019 Create Domain Logic: Xafari.BC.Branches.DC.BranchSupportLogic
14.09.15 13:23:29.035 Create Domain Logic: Xafari.BC.Numerators.DC.DeletedNumbersSupportLogic
14.09.15 13:23:29.035 Create Domain Logic: Xafari.BC.DC.NotesSupportLogic
14.09.15 13:23:29.035 Create Domain Logic: Xafari.BC.DC.StatusSupportLogic
14.09.15 13:23:29.035 Create Domain Logic: Xafari.Northwind.DC.Documents.IOrderLogic

Is this common behaviour or am I missing something?


User Description Posted On
Nikolay Agent

Hello, Arjan.

Thank you for your feedback. We need additional time to check the issue that you described.
We will reply you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

Best regards,

Nikolay Agent

Hello Arjan,

I did not found any delays with openning Orders ListView in our Northwind.DC application.

Would you please provide the log file of your application.

Also you can reduce the number of messages like "Create Domain Logic" by changing the detail level in the App.config file. You can find more details

Best regards,

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