Win modules are automatically added to web module


Dear support,

I just try out to implement the branches module in my web application. I added the XafariBCBranchesModule and XafariBCBranchesCfgModule to my MyApplication.Module.

When compiling my application, all sorts of win modules are added to MyApplication.Web and a lot of win references are added as well the the project.
Here is a list of modules that is added to my MyApplication.Web WebApplication.cs:

this.systemWindowsFormsModule1 = new DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.SystemModule.SystemWindowsFormsModule();
this.xafariWinModule1 = new Xafari.Win.XafariWinModule();
this.xafariDockPanelsWinModule1 = new Xafari.DockPanels.Win.XafariDockPanelsWinModule();
this.treeListEditorsWindowsFormsModule1 = new DevExpress.ExpressApp.TreeListEditors.Win.TreeListEditorsWindowsFormsModule();
this.xafariEditorsWinModule1 = new Xafari.Editors.Win.XafariEditorsWinModule();
this.xafariBCWinModule1 = new Xafari.BC.Win.XafariBCWinModule();
this.xafariBCBranchesWinModule1 = new Xafari.BC.Branches.Win.XafariBCBranchesWinModule();

I can delete them of course from the cs file as well as the references, but as soon as I compile they are automatically added again. Do you have an idea why this happens?

Thank you


UserDescriptionPosted On

I found out that the problematic module is 'XafariBCBranchesCfgModule '. I want to have the branches administration inside the app. If I understand your doc correctly (, then I have to add the module to achive this, correct? Can you explain why the Win references and modules are added as well?


Hello Bernd!

Win modules are added in WebApplication due to the XafariBCBranchesCfgModule. Because the module has a dependency on XafariBCBranchesWinModule.
Therefore, adding a XafariBCBranchesCfgModule is not suitable for you for configuration Branches. You will have to use XAS for this.

On behalf of Xafari Client Services Team


Hello Mariya,

thanks for your answer. Is using XAS the only way? Is it not possible to manually add a Branch ListView and BranchSetting DetailView to the NavigationItems? What extra stuff is the XafariBCBranchesCfgModule or XAS doing? I ask because the requirement of using XAS might be a dealbreaker for us (I have to check back with my boss on that).



Yes, You can to manually add a Branch ListView and BranchSetting DetailView to the NavigationItems. But BranchSetting is object of Xafari.BC.Branches.Cfg module and Cfg module has its own functionality necessary for setting up branches.

On behalf of Xafari Client Services Team


Ah ok now I understand, thank you!

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