Wizard and NonPersistant ObjectSpace

Scott GrossClient

I followed https://documentation.galaktika-soft.com/xafari/doc_wizards_getting_started

I used a NonPersistant Type for the Action Type:

this.wizardAction1.ObjectType = typeof(Xafari.FeatureCenter.Wizards.WizardObject);

It throws an error that the NonPersistent type does not have a default constructor.

Digging into the Source Code for the Wizard Action, I found the CustomizePopupWindowParams event handler needs to pass in the ObjectType into the CrateObjectSpace command to create an appropiate objectspace type.

I would assume this needs to be corrected to use multiple objectspaces in the application.

Is there a work around to correct this? can I override the method?

to work around this limitation, I'm using an InMemoryObjectStore.

private void WizardAction_CustomizePopupWindowParams(object sender, CustomizePopupWindowParamsEventArgs e)
/* corrected line*/ IObjectSpace objectSpace = this.Application.CreateObjectSpace(ObjectType);


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Sasha (Xafari Support)Client


Thank you for your ticket. We are working on your issue. It will take some additional time.

Best regards,

Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hi Scott,

All information was submitted to our development team. And the issue registered in our inner issue tracking system. We will inform you if the proposal is implemented.

Feel free to contact us if you experience any further difficulties.
Thanks, Sasha.

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