MariyaVoytovichAgent | Hello! Unfortunately, build v18.2.3 showed errors that we cannot publish the build. We will notify you later release date. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Regards, Mariya On behalf of Xafari Client Services Team | |
 alainbismark | Thanks Mariya Any time frame estimation to solve the issues? Best regards | |
 MariyaVoytovichAgent | Hello alainbismark! Unfortunately, there is no defined time frame. Before release the assembly still has to pass full testing. Regards, Mariya On behalf of Xafari Client Services Team | |
 MariyaVoytovichAgent | Hello, alainbismark! New release Xafari version 18.2.3 was published on the site. You can download new version here: https://galaktika-soft.com/xafari/download Regards, Mariya On behalf of Xafari Client Services Team | |