Xafari MVC scalable


Hi guys,

As we all know, the XAF web application has a high memory footprint (> 10mb per user) and a non-serializable session state.
What are the specifics concerning Xafari MVC on this? How scalable is Xafari MVC?



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Sergey ZaitsevAgent

Hi, Arjan

Thanx to interest Xafari MVC.

Xafari MVC full compatible to concept of any XAF Application.

In the current version, we also do not use serialization session state. But exploring ways to do it.

Using ASP.NET MVC technology has reduced the response time on the client up to 3 times and 2 times reduced the amount of memory per user.

The maximum number of active users is also increased at least 2 times

Soon we will release a beta version of Safari MVC and you can explore the product in detail.

Best regards, Sergey

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