Xafari server demo / example

Closed38468MajorQuestiondemo example Message Queue Xafari Server

we're trying to start a demo project to understand how Xafari Server components work and if Xafari is a suitable framework for our needs.
We've downloaded and successfully run the demo "XafariServerCustomHandler" using Xafari 19.1, tough the problem is we don't understand what can be done after the interface is loaded, so the first question is, how is this example supposed to be used?
We've also download the example "XafariMQSample" and we've managed to start it, but as soon as it starts an exception is thrown:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Xafari.Server.MQObserver.InitObjectSpace()
at Xafari.Server.MQObserver.StartListenQueue()
at Xafari.Server.XafariServerModule.Application_LoggedOn(Object sender, LogonEventArgs e)
at DevExpress.ExpressApp.XafApplication.OnLoggedOn(LogonEventArgs args)
at DevExpress.ExpressApp.XafApplication.Logon(PopupWindowShowActionExecuteEventArgs logonWindowArgs)
at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.WinApplication.Logon(PopupWindowShowActionExecuteEventArgs logonWindowArgs)
at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.WinApplication.DoLogon()
at DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.WinApplication.Start()

As you can see there isn't much to work on, because the exception happens inside the Start method in Xafari.
We've attached the modified project that starts and crashes, just in case you want to take a look.
Since we can't find examples to start coding with, we fear we can't start a new project from scratch because we don't have starting material to work on.
Can you help us with anything to clear our doubts?

Thanks in advance.

Attached files:


UserDescriptionPosted On


1.  We've downloaded and successfully run the demo "XafariServerCustomHandler" using Xafari 19.1, tough the problem is we don't understand what can be done after the interface is loaded, so the first question is, how is this example supposed to be used?
              Answer: The application search for files in the specified directory for a given mask. Search result (list of files and their sizes) will be stored in the database. Search for files and counting the total                                          occupied volume will be executed using Xafari Server. The server will run in dedicated mode supported by the RunCmd.exe and StartXafariServer console command.
              How to use XafariServerCustomHandler:
1. Build Solution
2. Copy files RunCmd.exe and RunCmd.exe.config.This files placed in the Tools folder of the Xafari Framework installation directory. Copy the utility to the bin directory of the application (DemoApp.Win).
3. Run Win Application DemoApp.Win
4. Run Xafari Server: To start the server remotely, type in console the following command:
RunCmd.exe /logon /appconfig DemoApp.Win.exe.config /c StartXafariServer
5. In DemoApp.Win application click action - Find Files.
    Result: Xafari Server will search for files and save result in Search Files.
You can monitor the message queue for the server through the list Massage Queue.

2. Start XafariMQSample.
We modified the sample. See XafariMQSample in the attached files.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

On behalf of Xafari Client Services Team


Thank you very much.
We've successfully run both demo but we can't see though how to schedule a report, that is the feature we're interested the most.
We've gone through the documentation, but we couldn't figure out how to do it.
Can you point us to some thread/documentation/anything to help us out?



You can schedule a report using Quartz.NET.
We modified the example using Quartz.NET. See attached files.


Your contribution has made the subject more clear, now we will pass the results of our tests to our executive offices and they will decide the course of action.

Thank you very much for your support.

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