iHierarchyNode doesn't compile after upgrade


I just upgraded to latest version and I have a Task class defined in my code:

public class Task : BaseObject, Xafari.Base.IHierarchyNode

with following references:

using Xafari.Base;

but my project is not compiling anymore? I cannot find any help from help documentation so can you help me what I have to change?

I attached the full source file of Task class with this ticket. I need to build the new version as soon as possible, so help is needed!

Attached files:


UserDescriptionPosted On
Sasha (Xafari Support)Client

Hello Ville,

Thank you for the ticket.
Xafari x010 contains some update and new features. Additional information you can see in our pages: Galaktikasoft, Xafari, Xafari news.

The Hierarchical Data was moved from the Xafari module to the Xafari.BC module. New documentation corresponds with new version of Xafari x010 (see Hierarchical Data. Getting Started).

In your Task class you have to add XafariBCModule and change the Xafari.Base reference on the Xafari.BC.HierarchicalData reference.
Class HierarchyNodePersistentHelper is obsolete. Please, use HierarchyManager instead the HierarchyNodePersistentHelper (see attached file TaskFix.txt).

We hope you find this information helpful.
Please feel free to contact us in case of any difficulty.
Best regards,

Attached files:

How about showing hierarchy? I cannot find Xafari.Editors.Web.ASPxHierarchyNodeListEditor. There is no ASPxHierarhyNodeListEditor editor in Editor dropdown? I tried to read all articles / helps about hierarchial data but no luck!


Ok. I resolved it.

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