What’s New in Xafari x08

In the new release Xafari x08 we made the following significant changes:

  1. Xafari x08 is built on DevExpress 15.1.4.
  2. This release includes a new Xafari Services technology designed to implement business functionality at the level of the entire application. Xafari Services allows isolating results of business functions from others users when working in a multiuser environment. It also will be useful to implement algorithms for batch processing.
  3. Business Numerators functionality has been significantly modified. Now Business Numerators is implemented using a Xafari Services mechanism.
  4. Application Settings functionality has been improved with using a Xafari Services.
  5. In this release, we introduce a new tool for automatic numbering of business objects, it names Index Numerators. The significant difference from the Business Numerators is that the index is not a string, it is an ordinary digit. Index Numerators provides several attractive features to process referenced objects, to work in Updater, to recalculate index etc.
  6. Xafari Reports now has the ability to design XtraReports templates via the Visual Studio. This functionality is released for preview (Community Technology Preview).
  7. We continue to improve Xafari Extensions Framework (XF). In this release, we have added the ability to use persistent extensions for non-persistent entities. Also, the way of describing non-persistent collections has been changed.
  8. The Xafari View Layout Strategy introduced in the previous release has been improved as follows:
    1. The Xafari View Layout Strategy has been renamed to Smart Design.
    2. All functionality has been moved to a separate module: SmartDesignModule.
    3. A lot of refactorings has been completed and fixed some issues.
  9. Xafari MVC also has several new features and improvements:
    • New editors MVCxBatchGridListEditor and MVCxCardListEditor have been implemented.
    • Now there is a new project template for Visual Studio to help you to get started with Xafari MVC.

In this release, some Xafari functionality is presented for preview (Community Technology Preview). This means that in future releases public part of those components (names of interfaces, classes, methods, and properties) possibly will be changed, so it may concern internal implementation. Functionality in the CTP state are listed below:

  • Xafari Extensions Framework (XF)
  • Xafari Services
  • Xafari AppModule
  • Xafari MVC
  • Xafari Data Management (Import/Export)
  • Xafari Docflow
  • Xafari Task List
  • Xafari Common Data
  • Xafari Message Queue
  • Xafari Server

Enhancements and Updates

To learn about new features/updates and resolved issues in this version, please refer to the following page: What's New in Xafari 15.1.308.217

Breaking Changes

To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page: Breaking Changes in Xafari 15.1.308.217

Known Issues

To learn about known issues in this version, please refer to the following page: Known Issues in Xafari 15.1.308.217

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