Creating a web-application

  1. Create on the disc an empty folder in which will be contained web-application resources on IIS using Windows Explorer. The path to this folder will define the parameter [Physical path] to the folder (catalogue) in which is situated the application content. In our example this is the folder BMWebApp which is situated on physical path: C:\Project\RanetBI\BMWebApp. The folder name can be any one; it is such in the example for copy convenience of resources and web-application setting on IIS. See the resources description in the document section Ranet Analytics resources;
  2. Open IIS Manager Console;
  3. Add a new application on the site on command [Add Application…]. Change settings in the dialogue window:
Element nameDescription
AliasEnter the name that clients will use for an access to the application content from the web-browser.
Application PoolChoose the application pool in which will be started the application. If you have created your own choose it.
Physical pathThe Physical path to the application content.

It is C:\Project\RanetBI\BMWebApp in our example.

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