Ranet OLAP KPI Viewer Control

The KPI Viewer control shows Key Performance Indicators (KPI) defined in the cube and their basic values at a certain time. The basic values are:

  • Target KPI value (Goal)
  • Actual KPI value (Value)
  • KPI Status (Status). The KPI status indicator shows the user, how the actual KPI value can be interpreted: inadequate (low), acceptable (medium), or good (high).
  • KPI change trend in time (Trend). The trend indicator shows whether the KPI is improving, or deteriorating, or stays stable in time.

It is possible to drag and drop the cube KPIs to the result viewing area. In so doing, an MDX query that returns the KPI values in columns based on the determined filters is generated automatically. It is possible to group KPIs by value in a certain column, and the user can control the list of mandatory columns.

ranet olap KPI Viewer

The KPI Viewer control is comprised of the following areas:

  • Toolbar
  • Report Designer Area. It is used for designing a query
  • KPI Grid Area. It is the KPI table showing the query results

The KPI Viewer toolbar includes commands:

Show/Hide query designerShow/hide the query designer.
Run MDX query automaticRun the MDX query automatically.
ApplyRuns the current MDX query and shows the result.
Show AllDisplays all cube KPIs in the query result display area. If the command was not activated, the user can select the required KPIs on his own, by dragging and dropping them to the result display area.
Customize columns visibilityIt allows selecting columns to be displayed in the table.
Customize columns groupingIt allows grouping KPIs by the value in a certain column.
Import query layout settingImports query settings from an XML file.
Export query layout settingExports the query settings to an XML file.
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