by Galaktikasoft | Mar 11, 2015 | News, Ranet OLAP Blog |
Whats new 3.1.793 minor improvements in Export to Excel fixed a bug in the copy Sheets in MDX Dynamic and other changes Whats new 3.1.792 Optimized export to Excel / XML for large data Added the function of processing the cube (in Options dialog) Fixed timeout... by Galaktikasoft | Mar 4, 2015 | News
New Xafari x07 build on DevExpress 14.2.5 – 14.2.507.114 is released and available for download. See What's new in Xafari 14.2.507.114 and Breaking changes in new build. by Galaktikasoft | Mar 2, 2015 | News
New Xafari x07 build on DevExpress 14.2.5 – 14.2.507.110 is released and available for download. The same build on DevExpress 14.2.4 - 14.2.407.110 is available too. Some issues were fixed. by Galaktikasoft | Feb 23, 2015 | News
We are going to release Xafari x07 (14.2.507.*) up to 2 March 2015 by Galaktikasoft | Feb 15, 2015 | News
New Xafari x07 version is released and available for download. What’s new: Xafari x07 compiled on the DevExpress 14.2.4. Security module was decomposed, it also has affected to dependent modules. Decomposition will provide more flexibility in the use of security... by Galaktikasoft | Feb 13, 2015 | News
DevExpress 14.2 support New version of Xafari compiled on the DevExpress 14.2. Xafari x07 takes advantage of the new capabilities of DevExpress 14.2. DevExpress 14.2 is a requirement for version х07 of Xafari. EntityFactory Entity Factory can be described as a model... by Galaktikasoft | Feb 2, 2015 | News
Release Xafari x07 postponed. Xafari team apologizes for what h07 version was not released in a timely manner. As it turned out in the course of work, DevExpress 14.2 contains a number of significant changes affecting the architecture of Xafari, leading to conflicts.... by Galaktikasoft | Feb 2, 2015 | News
Xafari team apologizes for having not released Xafari x07 in a timely manner. As it turned out in the course of work, DevExpress XAF 14.2 contains a number of significant changes affecting the architecture of Xafari and leading to conflicts. Resolving conflicts and... by Galaktikasoft | Dec 23, 2014 | News
Xafari team is now working on releasing a new version. Xafari x07 will be compiled on DevExpress XAF 14.2. Compared with the previous version, the new version of DevExpress XAF includes many enhancements and new features. We plan to prepare Xafari x07 version for DX... by Galaktikasoft | Dec 22, 2014 | News
We have released a new version of Xafari Framework - Xafari x06, which is compiled on DevExpress XAF 14.1.8. For more information, see: New Components. These solutions as the MVC platform, Xafari Server, Message Queue, Branches, Task List presented as an alpha version... by Galaktikasoft | Nov 30, 2014 | News
The beta version of Xafari x06 is published and available for download. What's new: New features implemented. New features include the MVC platform, Xafari Server, Message Queue, Branches, Task List presented as an alpha version and can be changed in the future.... by Galaktikasoft | Nov 11, 2014 | News
We apologize to all users of Xafari and inform that release date of the Xafari x06 version is postponed for November of this year. We are working very hard to release the assembly in the appointed time and we hope for your understanding. Additional information that...