What’s New in Ranet OLAP

  • The registration error of an example in IIS is fixed.

There is an installer bug in Ranet.UILibrary.Olap-
“Default Web Site” record in IIS became corrupted or can be deleted while uninstalling process of Ranet.UILibrary.Olap-
If you have installed Ranet.UILibrary.Olap-, please backup all virtual directories settings you need for “Default Web Site” before uninstalling Ranet.UILibrary.Olap-

If the old version (2.2.14) of Ranet.UILibrary.OLAP has not been uninstalled yet, it is possible to save your virtual directories settings as the new version ( can be installed without uninstalling Ranet.UILibrary.Olap- You need to correct properties for “Default Web Site” record:

  • Basic Settings – Physical Path – “C:inetpubwwwroot”
  • Bindings – remove duplicated record (leave record with “HTTP 80 *”, and delete “HTTP 80″)

If Ranet.UILibrary.Olap- is already uninstalled you need to create a new Default Web Site record (or correct it) manually in IIS Manager (Physical Path – “C:inetpubwwwroot”) and possibly manually restore all virtual directories.

Alternatively, you can reinstall IIS (remove it and install it again in windows components) and then restore your virtual directories.

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